From your computer.
Follow the simple steps below to copy your tweet's URL:
- Go to your profile
- Find the promoted tweet
- In the same bar as the Retweet and Like buttons, you will find an icon with three dots on the right-hand side. When you pass your mouse over this icon, you will see a message that says "More", click here.
- You will see a dropdown menu with 5 options. Please select the option "Copy link to tweet".
- A popup window will appear with the URL of your tweet. Simply copy it and return to the platform.
From the app.
- Log on to the mobile Twitter app from your cell phone.
- Find the promoted tweet and select it.
- When you open the tweet, you will see an icon with three dots just to the right of the Favorite icon (star). Click on this icon.
- A menu will open at the bottom of the screen. Click on "Share via...".
- You will see various options, one of these is "Copy tweet link".
- Select this option and you will see a confirmation message.
- Done! Your tweet URL has been copied. Now you can return to the platform and continue the validation process.
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